Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Gasses and Climate Change

Combustion Demo

Hypothesis: I think that when Miss Leland ignites the gas in the container, it will have a small "eruption" and a small amount of black soot will come out if the top of the bottle.

Observation: When Miss Leland lighted the gas in the bottle, it shot across the room while on fire (it probably was about 8 feet or so).

Today I learned that combustion can cause a warming affect on the Earth. This change is caused by emmissions that are mostly from humans.

Co2 Gas Demo:

Hypothesis: I think the Co2 gas is going to put out the candles with a small "explosion".

Observation: When the gas was introduced to the surrounding air around the lit candles, the flames died out.

Hydrogen Gas Demo:

Hypothesis: If the liquid is combined with the metal, it will turn into a gas.

I learned that Hydrogen could be used in place of fossil fuels.

Observation: my hypothesis was correct but then she lit it on fire, it was ignited and sounded like it was sizzling very loudly. The zinc is completely dissolved and the solution left is fizzy and grey.

Air Pressure Demo:

Hypothesis: for the first test, I think that when the air vapor is introduced to the ice water, you will be able to see it because it will be like when you breathe outside in the winter time. For the second test, I think there will be bubbles because the gas will be escaping from the drowned can.

Observation: For the first test, absolutely noing happened when the can was introduced to the ice water. For the second test, the can crumpled when introduced upside down to the ice water!

Research: "Researchers have found that changes in air pressure over the past 50 years bear the fingerprint of human influence." Humans have caused air pressures to fluctuate due to our emissions. A map showing what the actual air pressure and the one without human emissions was completely different.

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